Presentation Listing  By Presentation Time

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Summary Conference Schedule (As of 2025-02-14)
(Sorted by Day, Time, Presentation #)
Presenter 1
Title (P#)
Mon - 08:30 AM
08:30 AM50 min101-CLindsey Herlehy6-8STEM/EngLandform Lessons: Applying Terrestrial Geography to Mars Landing Site (P109)N
08:30 AM50 min167Lorna ShumanK-12NGSS RsrcsEnhancing Your Curriculum: IDNR Science Resources (P111)N
08:30 AM50 min105Bryan TylkowskiHS ESSSTEM/EngEngineering Projects with an Environmental Focus (P127)N
08:30 AM50 min101-BKevin O'TooleHS BioInnov Sci EdNGSS in Action: Investigating Real-World Phenomena to Collect Authentic Data (P128)N
08:30 AM50 min166Neil ReimerHS ChemInnov Sci EdVibranium: An NGSS-aligned storyline about Wakanda and periodicity (P131)N
08:30 AM50 min101-ADavid Hernandez3-5STEM/EngTo the Moon and Back (P132)N
08:30 AM50 minAudBecky ThompsonK-12Sci LitFrom Game of Thrones to Frozen: The Importance of Narrative in Sci. Comm.[FS] (P149)
Mon - 09:30 AM
09:30 AM50 min166Maggy Lynn ProctorHS BioSTEM/EngProblem Based Learning: Engineering a Water Filtration Device (P102)N
09:30 AM50 min167Brooke Siembab6-8Sci LitScience of Reading in Today's Science Class (P103)N
09:30 AM50 min101-BBryan RolfsenHS BioSci LitIncorporating Wida Standards Into the Biology Curriculum (P121)N
09:30 AM50 min260Dr. Carol K. Baker9-12AssessmentThe Moving Target of High School Science Assessment in Illinois (P122)N
09:30 AM50 min101-CTyra StallHS ChemInnov Sci EdDesigning Google Escapes for Interactive Science Learning (P135)
09:30 AM50 min101-AAnna KopaczK-12OtherScience for All: Strategies for Teaching Multilingual Learners (P138)N
09:30 AM50 minAudEddie Taylor, Jr.9-12Innov Sci EdDesegregating Science Education [FS] (P142)N
09:30 AM50 min105Tom HendersonHS PhyTechnologyDoing More With The Physics Classroom Website [FS] (P144)
Mon - 10:30 AM
10:30 AM50 min167Daniel FitzpatrickHS BioConserv/SustaiIntegrating Agronomy, Foraging, and Mycology in HS Science (P118)N
10:30 AM50 min166Tiffany Albers-LopezK-12OtherESL and Bilingual Literacy in the Science Classroom (P133)
10:30 AM50 min101-CJen Nuskiewicz9-12Innov Sci EdCreating Science Thinking Classrooms (P134)N
10:30 AM50 minAudAamod SamuelK-12OtherFashion Designers and Farmers (In Space!) [FS] (P146)
10:30 AM50 min101-BCaryn Jackson9-12Innov Sci EdEngaging Students through Materials Science [6-12] (P147)N
10:30 AM50 min105Taylor Tobey6-8AssessmentAssessment Exploration: What do students really know? (P151)N
10:30 AM50 min260Dr. Melanie Zenisek6-8Sci LitBring CER to Your Classroom (P152)N
Mon - 12:30 PM
12:30 PM50 min101-AKristina BaumbachHS BioSTEM/EngSelective Breeding and Agriculture (P107)N
12:30 PM50 min105Lorna ShumanK-12TechnologyCoyote Track: Exploring Real Science Data In Your Classroom (P112)N
12:30 PM50 min260Cassandra ArmstrongK-12TechnologyAI in Action: Creative Strategies for Educators and Students (P115)
12:30 PM50 minAudDr. Carol K. BakerK-8AssessmentPreparing Elem. & MS Students for the Illinois Science Assmt. (ISA) (P123)N
12:30 PM50 min167Samantha Taylor9-12OtherInteractive Tissues (P124)
12:30 PM50 min166Gina Schuyler9-12OtherCareer Pathway Endorsement Process: Science Lens (P141)
12:30 PM50 min101-CCynthia WellerK-8Sci LitUsing Modeling to Strengthen Literacy Strategies in the Elementary Classroom (P148)N
12:30 PM50 min101-BMike ThomasHS ESSGen Sci TchEarth & Space Activities for Active Thinking (P150)N
Mon - 01:30 PM
01:30 PM50 min105Robert SchraderHS BioOtherEcosystem In a Jar (P104)N
01:30 PM50 min166Greg Chyson9-12SafetyClearing the Air: The Importance of Laboratory Ventilation (P108)N
01:30 PM50 min101-BSara Young9-12Innov Sci EdHow Paleoclimatology Can Transform Your Climate Change Lessons (P114)N
01:30 PM50 min101-CCarlie PremoHS ChemSEPs & CCCsDensity and Separation Techniques labs for High school chemistry (P117)N
01:30 PM50 min167Caroline MilneHS BioInnov Sci EdEmpowering Students through Personalized Biology Education (P119)N
01:30 PM50 min101-ASpencer PaseroHS PhyInnov Sci EdQuarkNet: 25 Years of Particle Physics in the High School Classroom (P137)N
01:30 PM50 min260Daniel OlandeseK-12Innov Sci EdAI in the Classroom: Simplify & Innovate (P140)
01:30 PM50 minAudKatie Lodes9-12Innov Sci EdGetting Out into the World to Bring the World to Your Classroom [FS] (P143)N
Mon - 02:30 PM
02:30 PM50 min166Andreas Damianides9-12AssessmentEliminating the Group Grade: Individual, Randomized Lab Assessments (P101)N
02:30 PM50 min101-CKristina BaumbachK-8STEM/EngThe Stories of Agriculture: Connecting Literature and STEM (P106)N
02:30 PM50 min260Aaron Dame9-12Innov Sci EdExploring Real World Phenomena Using the Science and Engineering Practices (P113)N
02:30 PM50 min105Christopher MiloK-12AssessmentUsing Group Evaluations to Assess Peer Performance (P116)
02:30 PM50 min167Meghan WiesbrockHS BioConserv/SustaiTree Conservation: The Morton Arboretum's Forest Immersion Program (P125)N
02:30 PM50 min101-BKevin KnapikHS BioInnov Sci EdMore than Mud: Using Microbial Gardens to Model Nutrient Flow & Ecology (P130)N
02:30 PM50 min101-AHuber SaucedoHS PhyTechnologyUsing Sphero Robots to teach motion (P139)N
02:30 PM50 minAudTom HendersonHS ChemTechnologyChemistry at The Physics Classroom [FS] (P145)

N - Indicates presentation is aligned with NGSS.

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Schedule Subject to Change!