Presentation Details

Presentation Index by: Intended Audience | Subject/Track | Presentation Time | Primary Presenter | Room Listing

Abstract Details (PID = P123)
Title:Preparing Elem. & MS Students for the Illinois Science Assmt. (ISA) (P123)
Description:Are you doing everything you can to prepare students for the ISA? Come learn all about the ISA and leave with tips and tricks to help your students perform better this year!
Subject:Assessment in the Science Classroom
Intended Audience:Elementary (K-8)
Aligned with NGSS:Yes
NGSS Level:Any Level - Presentation applicable to attendees at any level of NGSS Experience.
Type of Presentation:Lecture - Presenter(s) will primarily present information via a lecture, PowerPoint, video, etc.
Primary Presenter Detail
Presenter - 1 / Title:Dr. Carol K. Baker, Science Consultant/NGSS Author
School/Organization:Retired Science Teacher & Administrator
Co-Presenter(s) Detail
Presenter - 2 / Title:
Presenter - 3 / Title:
Presenter - 4 / Title:
Presenter - 5 / Title:
Schedule Details
Time:12:30 PM
Length:50 min
Room Setup:Theater / 200 people