Presentation Listing  By Subject/Track

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Summary Conference Schedule (As of 2024-09-13)
(Sorted by Subject, Day, Time)
Presenter 1
Title (P#)
Assessment in the Science Classroom
08:30 AM50 min101-BBlake ZinnK-12Write like an ISA Writer (P123)N
08:30 AM50 min167Aubrey Chang6-8Tips and Tools for Transitioning to Standards-Based Grading (P162)N
09:30 AM50 minAudCarol Baker, Ed.D.K-12The Illinois Science Assessment: Tips to Improve Student Scores (P160)N
10:30 AM50 min166Christopher MiloK-12Mastery Based Learning and its Impact on Summative Assessments (P130)
12:30 PM50 min101-CKevin Horwitz9-12Adapting Your Science Assessments for Multilingual Learners (P120)N
02:30 PM50 Min121Brian GrubleskyK-12CER and IEP: Differentiating CER's (P164)N
Conservation and Sustainability
10:30 AM50 min101-CCarl Armstrong9-12Climate & Equity: Working climate change's effects on communities into the classroom (P138)N
01:30 PM50 min166Carl Armstrong9-12If You Grow It, They Will Come: Lessons from the Oldest Student-Grown Prairie in the USA (P139)N
Earth & Space Science
10:30 AM50 minAudMichelle NicholsK-12Get Ready for a Solar Eclipse! (P124)
12:30 PM50 minAudDan McGlaun6-8Presenting the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024! (P161)
General Science Teaching Topics
08:30 AM50 min119Brandon WattersHS ChemA Natural Approach to Chemistry: One in a Million (P152)N
10:30 AM50 min105Carlie PremoHS ChemIMF Stations Lab Incorporating SEP Rubrics (P134)N
10:30 AM50 min115Katherine Philipp6-8OpenSciEd: A Middle School Curriculum (P147)N
01:30 PM50 min101-ADanelle FosterK-8Talking the Talk: Effective Discourse Strategies to Support In-Depth Sensemaking (P163)N
01:30 PM110 min101-BLaura HesslingHS ChemIt's All Fun & Games in HS Chemistry [Double Length] (P158)
02:30 PM50 min101-CGrace Boersma9-12Bridging the Gaps Between HS ESS, ELL Support, and 3D Assessments (P132)N
02:30 PM50 minAudJen Fischer9-12Learning from Hank's Mistakes in Science Class (P151)N
Implementing NGSS SEPs & CCCs
09:30 AM50 min167Kevin KnapikHS BioEmbracing Uncertainty: Developing Student Investigations (P144)N
12:30 PM50 min167Amy StrongHS BioMan's Best Friend, Mendelian Genetics and Modeling (P125)N
NGSS Resources
12:30 PM50 min119Dr. Katie ChamberlainK-12Building a STEM Box Library through K-16 Collaboration (P155)N
08:30 AM50 min101-CKelli Holton9-12Differentiating Science: Tips for Scaffolding and Inclusion (P145)N
08:30 AM50 min166Ray StadtK-12Interaction & Engagement for ELs (and everyone else!) (P126)N
09:30 AM50 min101-CMaria Wilson9-12Bringing Earth Science to ELL (31 students, 2 languages, 1 teacher) (P133)N
Science Literacy
09:30 AM50 min105Cassandra ArmstrongK-8Imagination to Innovation: Design Thinking for Young Learners (P122)N
12:30 PM50 min105Jill Alexander9-12Evaluating Claims About Climate Change (P143)N
01:30 PM50 min101-CDiane Lincoln, Ed.D.6-8Humanizing Middle School Science (P159)N
01:30 PM50 min167Jennifer MalitoHS BioStimulus/Response lab and CER using Isopods (P156)N
01:30 PM50 minAudDr. Don Lincoln9-12Common Misconceptions in Science (P157)
Science Safety
09:30 AM50 min101-BMichael MarvelHS ChemHigh School Laboratory Safety (P127)N
STEM, STEAM, & Engineering
09:30 AM50 min101-AMari OatesK-8Visualizing STEM: Science and Art (P153)
09:30 AM50 min166Kristina Baumbach6-8All in an Apple (P131)N
10:30 AM50 min167David Hernandez6-8Physics as a Building Block for Innovation and Engineering (P136)N
12:30 PM50 min115Luis MendozaK-12Training Teachers to Introduce Quantum Information Science in K-12 Classrooms (P150)N
12:30 PM50 min166Shana K. BenfordAdminClosing the STEM Equity Gap via Targeted OST STEAM Education and Career Programs (P148)
01:30 PM110 min119Dr. Natalie Coleman3-5Full Steam Ahead [Double Length] (P121)N
02:30 PM50 min105David Hernandez6-8How do I track my shipment? (P137)N
02:30 PM50 min115Heather Arnett9-12Rocketry + Avionics: Taking Data to New Heights (P140)N
02:30 PM50 min166Eric VasquezK-8Attraction and Repulsion - It's Magnetic (P142)N
Student Projects and Field Trips
10:30 AM50 min101-BMichelle Ramos6-8Illinois RISE Challenge - Environmental Action Civics for 6th-11th Graders (P135)
12:30 PM50 min101-BBryan J TaylorHS ChemLong Labs: How to Create Week Long Experiences for Learning (P165)N
02:30 PM50 min167Jill Laubenstein9-12PBL: 3 Gold Standard Projects and My Key Takeaways (P149)N
Technology in the Science Classroom
08:30 AM50 min105Tom MartinezHS BioVisualizing the Central Dogma through Fluorescence (P128)N
08:30 AM110 min115Spencer PaseroHS Phy90-Minute Masterclass: Bringing Particle Physics to Your Classroom [Double Length] (P154)N
08:30 AM50 minAudDr. Mike ThomasK-12AI in the Science Classroom (P166)
01:30 PM50 min105Tom Martinez6-8Hands-on Genetics Labs for Middle School Learners and General Bio (P129)N

N - Indicates presentation is aligned with NGSS.

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Schedule Subject to Change!