Presentation Details

Presentation Index by: Intended Audience | Subject/Track | Presentation Time | Primary Presenter | Room Listing

Abstract Details (PID = P154)
Title:90-Minute Masterclass: Bringing Particle Physics to Your Classroom [Double Length] (P154)
Description:Through International Masterclasses, more than 13,000 students around the world have the opportunity to be a "physicists for a day" by learning about and analyzing data from a world-class particle physics detector. Students in participating classrooms get to read real data that were collected by an experiment conducted at Fermilab or CERN. In this session, you will get to experience what your students will do as part of a masterclass, analyzing real particle physics data and working together to apply physics principles and make a measurement. We will also share activities that will help you prepare your students for a masterclass and incorporate particle physics examples into topics that are already in your curriculum. Participants should bring a laptop computer if possible.
Subject:Technology in the Science Classroom
Intended Audience:HS Physics
Aligned with NGSS:Yes
NGSS Level:Not Applicable - Not an NGSS Related Presentation
Type of Presentation:Hands-On - Attendees will be actively engaged, working in groups, etc.
Primary Presenter Detail
Presenter - 1 / Title:Spencer Pasero, Deputy Head of Education & Public Engmt.
School/Organization:Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Co-Presenter(s) Detail
Presenter - 2 / Title:Ken Cecire, QuarkNet National Staff
School/Organization:University of Notre Dame
Presenter - 3 / Title:Shane Wood, QuarkNet National Staff
School/Organization:University of Notre Dame
Presenter - 4 / Title:George Dzuricsko, Faculty
School/Organization:De La Salle Institute
Presenter - 5 / Title:
Schedule Details
Time:08:30 AM
Length:110 min
Room Setup:Classrm - Flat / 45 people