Presentation Details

Presentation Index by: Intended Audience | Subject/Track | Presentation Time | Primary Presenter | Room Listing

Abstract Details (PID = P161)
Title:Presenting the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024! (P161)
Description:When is the next eclipse over North America? Monday, April 8, 2024 is the big date! Dan McGlaun of, a leading eclipse expert AND veteran of 15 solar eclipse will share with you information to get your community excited and ready to view. Dan will share detailed eclipse timings, eclipse viewing information for every city in North America, eclipse resources for everyone to use, and the fantastic eclipse simulator to show you exactly what the eclipse will look like from any location! Educational information on eclipses for beginners and experts alike, including the all-important eclipse eye safety information and eclipse viewing instructions. It's all about bringing you ALL the eclipse planning information you need, so you can watch the 2024 total solar eclipse safely on April 8, 2024!
Subject:Earth & Space Science
Intended Audience:Grades 6-8
Aligned with NGSS:No
NGSS Level:New - Read about NGSS and looking to get started.
Type of Presentation:Lecture - Presenter(s) will primarily present information via a lecture, PowerPoint, video, etc.
Primary Presenter Detail
Presenter - 1 / Title:Dan McGlaun, CEO (Chief Eclipse Officer)
Co-Presenter(s) Detail
Presenter - 2 / Title:
Presenter - 3 / Title:
Presenter - 4 / Title:
Presenter - 5 / Title:
Schedule Details
Time:12:30 PM
Length:50 min
Room Setup:Theater / 200 people