Presentation Details

Presentation Index by: Intended Audience | Subject/Track | Presentation Time | Primary Presenter | Room Listing

Abstract Details (PID = P106)
Title:The Stories of Agriculture: Connecting Literature and STEM (P106)
Description:Agriculture and food processing is the largest industry in Illinois and is a great avenue to bring scientific concepts to life for your students! In this session hosted by DuPage County Farm Bureau - Ag in the Classroom, we will be focusing on accurate agriculture storybooks paired with exciting STEM activities to connect reading and science in the classroom. Topics will include dairy cattle and milk production, Illinois soil, and soybean seed germination! Participants will learn about the science and modern production methods used in these agriculture areas and complete STEM activities for each one. (Please note for the dairy activity we will be making butter. Those with a dairy/wheat allergy may not be able to fully participate.)
Subject:STEM, STEAM, & Engineering
Intended Audience:Elementary (K-8)
Aligned with NGSS:Yes
NGSS Level:Any Level - Presentation applicable to attendees at any level of NGSS Experience.
Type of Presentation:Hands-On - Attendees will be actively engaged, working in groups, etc.
Primary Presenter Detail
Presenter - 1 / Title:Kristina Baumbach, Education Coordinator
School/Organization:DuPage County Farm Bureau
Co-Presenter(s) Detail
Presenter - 2 / Title:
Presenter - 3 / Title:
Presenter - 4 / Title:
Presenter - 5 / Title:
Schedule Details
Time:02:30 PM
Length:50 min
Room Setup:Classrm - Flat / 48 people